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Worries? We Stand Behind What We Sell
– Return Policy for Items Purchased from an External Vendor
– Consult the third-party store or vendor for their return and refund guidelines.
If you discover missing parts after the order is directly shipped from VIDOSEC’s warehouse, here are the steps to follow up:
1. **Contact Customer Service**: Immediately reach out to VIDOSEC’s customer service department to inform them about the missing parts. They will provide you with further guidance and support.
2. **Provide Order Information**: When contacting customer service, be ready to provide the order number, transaction date, and a detailed description of the missing parts. This will help them locate the issue faster and offer you a solution.
3. **Follow Instructions**: Act according to the advice and instructions given by the customer service department. They may ask for photos or other evidence, or arrange for the missing parts to be resent.
4. **Document Communication**: Make sure to document all communication with the customer service department, including dates, times, and the discussion details. This will help you track the progress of issue resolution.
5. **Continued Follow-Up**: Regularly follow up as needed to ensure the problem is addressed properly and resolved in a timely manner. If you do not receive a response or solution within a reasonable time frame, reach out to customer service again.
Explore Our Extensive Catalog of Security Camera Products Designed for Seamless Integration, Setting Us Apart in the Market.
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